Welsh Government has announced an extra £30m of investment in housing schemes, including £10m for modular factories.
The funding is part of a £130m package that also includes £53m to support businesses ahead of Brexit, £20m for school and college maintenance and £19m for transport.
Finance minister Rebecca Evans said she was committed to using available capital to support a greener Wales and would set out further details in the draft Budget on November 19.
She said:
‘With the shadow of Brexit still looming large, we need to respond to the challenges we are facing while continuing to plan for Wales’ future infrastructure needs. The funding I am announcing today will help us to do just that.’
Aaron Hill, head of policy and external affairs at Community Housing Cymru, said:
‘Welsh Government’s investment in modular construction has the potential to stimulate innovation and increase the pace and scale at which housing associations build the homes Wales needs while creating much needed jobs, delivering our vision of a Wales where good housing is a basic right for all.’