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New to the job- Teresa O’Connor

New to the job is a feature where we meet people from across the sector who have taken on a new role. If you want to take part email ben.black@bronafon.org.uk

Teresa O'ConnorWhat is your name?

Teresa O’Connor

Where do you work and what do you do?

I work for Cartrefi Conwy; I work within the governance team as an admin assistant

Why did you choose a career in housing?

 I am a Cartrefi Conwy tenant, so I have a natural interest about the company. I also took part as a volunteer twice a week. I really enjoyed being part of the team as Cartrefi Conwy and its subsidiary company, Creating Enterprise are both very pleasant places to work, and the staff have always been very welcoming and supportive.

What is the most important thing you have you learned since starting your career in housing?

The most important thing I have learnt is how much detail and structure goes into organising and running a housing association, in order to make sure tenants are satisfied and that their needs are met. There is so many underpinnings and processes in order to house people.

What advice would you give someone applying for a job in housing?

I think volunteering for a housing association is a great opportunity to understand how it all works, working alongside staff and other tenants understanding how each individual role within the company impacts on how successful the housing association runs, in turn delivering a high standard of service to tenants. I didn’t realise how much involvement and support Cartrefi Conwy have to offer tenants.

Where would you be working, if not in housing?

I’m not sure where I would be working but it would definitely be a job which involved helping people, supporting people in some way or another.

What motivates you?

I have a family, so my family encourages me to be motivated, and also coming into work, fulfilling my role in supporting colleagues and what is expected from me.

 What do you do to relax?

I don’t tend to relax much as I have a busy home life, but when I do it tends to consist of watching TV in peace once the children are in bed.

Proudest moment?

There are a few proud moments such as my children, watching them achieve and do well in different areas. Also completing university, and achieving my personal goals and targets.

The most embarrassing moment?

I don’t have a specific embarrassing moment, but I am terrible for forgetting people’s names I do it all the time, I feel so embarrassed when I have to ask someone their name again!

 What was the last film you watched and how did you rate it?

I Am Mother – 8/10 not something I would normally watch but surprisingly good.






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