By the Welsh Government Knowledge and Analytical Services team
Recent publications
• new house building, July to September
• Homelessness, July to September 2013
• Mortgage and landlord possession actions, October to December 2013
• House price index, (up to November) 2013
• Housing demolitions and hazards, 2012-13
• private sector renewal, 2012-13
All releases are available from
Housing Information Group
The group meets quarterly and acts as a forum for the Welsh Government, local authorities, housing associations, and participating agencies to share views about housing information. These views cover statistical, research and other analytical requirements of Welsh housing policy and practice.
For further information, including agendas, minutes and papers please refer to the website:
Housing research
The following housing research reports have been recently published:
• An evaluation of the rural housing enablers was undertaken by a consortium of researchers comprising of Rural Housing Solutions, Cyngor Da, Celandine Strategic Housing and Three Dragons. The evaluation explores the effectiveness of the RHE’s role, their management and the funding of these posts. It also looks at the barriers and opportunities that impact on their ability to deliver affordable homes in rural communities. The final report was published in January 2014.
The following housing research reports are due to be published:
• The Welsh Government commissioned Campbell Tickell to undertake a study exploring Support for tenant Participation: Priorities and shape of future provision. The aim of the study was to explore what support, financial and other, is needed for effective tenant participation in housing at national and local levels with a view to help the Welsh Government to determine how priorities in this area can be delivered in future in an effective and efficient way. The final report will be published in March 2014.
• The Houses into Homes scheme, which makes available loans to bring privately owned empty houses or commercial buildings back into use as homes for rent or sale, was launched in April 2012. An evaluation study is being conducted by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University, and spans the three years of the initiative. An 18-month data bulletin will be published in March 2014. This presents an update on the monitoring data detailing enquires, applications received and loans approved by all 22 Welsh local authorities during the first 18 months of the scheme. This bulletin provides interim data on progress. A fuller report and analysis will be contained within the Year 2 Report due for publication in the Summer of 2014.
Go to and then click on housing and community and then social research