Landlords need to involve tenants more than ever in shaping and improving services, from setting and monitoring local standards to meet the delivery outcomes, through to evidencing self – assessment and scrutinising performance. TPAS Cymru can help with:
Setting local standards to achieve delivery outcomes
• Setting local standards with tenants and agreeing performance measures
• Reviewing existing service standards
• Reviewing Local Tenant Participation Strategies to ensure they achieve delivery outcomes
Supporting self-assessment: evidencing the delivery outcomes
• Tenant Inspectors and Mystery Shopping – from training to implementation and ongoing support • Tenant Scrutiny Panels – training & facilitation
• Staff / tenant training to focus on outcomes and involve tenants
• Facilitating ‘Challenge Days’: helping to validate your self-assessment.
Effective governance
• Training and support to Tenant Board Members
• Recruitment of Tenant Board Members – managing an independent election ballot process or observing on interview panels.
For more information or to talk about how we can support you, please contact:-
South Wales
Tel: 02920 237303 | Email:; Web:
North Wales
Tel: 01498 593 046 | Email:
‘Useful to focus on outcomes, rather than outputs –I hope we can implement this on the frontline as we are currently quite process driven’ HA Staff Training