Digest of work of the Tenantiaid Cymru/Welsh Tenants
Accidents in the home
Welsh Tenants were pleased to participate in a recent conference where we demonstrated how we were helping to shape changes in the sector through influencing policy and practice in housing on issues such as carbon monoxide, fire risks and repairs and improvements. At the conference organised by Home Accident Prevention (HAP) Wales, Dr Sarah Jones from Public Health Wales, echoed the need to improve evidence gathering, more joint working and targeted interventions. With Wales being 23rd of the 31 European Union countries on child safety for 2012, the conference organiser Karen McFarlane from Children In Wales and Tommy Williams from HAP Wales both supported the need for coordinated efforts to improve levels of action.
Wales has the highest rate of home accidents in the UK, with 92,000 incidents leading to an estimated 240 deaths annually. Children under 9 and older people over 70 are more likely to have an accident in the home and small, relatively low cost, interventions can have significant impacts. Some areas of Wales are significantly more likely to have higher incidents of trips and falls than others. Karen Williams stated, ‘if we choose to do nothing, nothing will change’.
Welsh Tenants is pleased to be working with HAP Wales to raise awareness amongst tenants on these important issues. Contact HAP Wales tommy@williams@rctcbc.gov.uk or see www.hapwales.org for further information.
The bedroom tax report
Simon Inkson recently published the findings of his six month study of the impacts of the bedroom tax in Wales. The report confirms that 40,000 tenants would be impacted across Wales, but while many landlords have made efforts to address the problem, there are significant issues that need to be overcome such as the lack of properties to downsize to, and the suggestion to take in lodgers which has received short shrift from families impacted. The report, while highlighting many excellent initiatives, expressed concern that the potential to increase debt is clearly evident. The report provides 10 recommendations to government and the sector, including the need to extend support to develop partnership initiatives and provide continued promotion of the role of credit unions which can provide help to address the issue of direct payments for tenants without bank accounts.
Chair of the Welsh Tenants, Sonia Benbow Jones welcomed the report suggesting that ‘there is still a great deal to be done to help mitigate the impacts’. The report can be downloaded from our website – www.welshtenants.org.uk
Are you going to be impacted by the bedroom tax?
Welsh Tenants is part of a multi-partnership initiative that seeks to provide better information for those impacted by the bedroom tax and other welfare reforms. The ‘Your Benefits are Changing’ group is providing contact details of landlords and voluntary sector organisations throughout Wales that want to ensure that everything possible is done to provide you with assistance to secure your home.
Policy In Practice has developed an online Universal Credit calculator that estimates the changes you may receive when the Universal Credit commences in October 2013. This will enable you to help plan for any financial impacts. The Universal Credit calculator is online at policyinpractice.co.uk
Organisations which can help
If you have any bedroom tax or direct payment queries we will be pleased to hear from you.
Get in touch and let us know how you get on with the calculator and how the Universal Credit changes will affect you and your family. If you would like to put a story into our newsletter Tenantiaid News please email news@welshtenants.org.uk. We would love to hear your stories on the issues affecting your communities, the good practice projects you are doing and creative ways to overcome any obstacles you are coming across over the coming months.
Dates for your diary
Spring 2013 ATTAIN Events
6 March – South East Wales
8 March – South West Wales
12 March – North Wales
2013 Conference: 19 – 20 September