It is hard to believe that the Tenant Advisory Panel (TAP) is half way through its third year and will soon have to bid farewell to some of the established members. It’s been a really busy and exciting time for the panel members, with a host of challenges and changes along the way. The members have recently taken time to reflect on the project achievements to date as well as what’s in store for the future.
What has the panel been up to in the last two and half years?
Reflecting back over the term of the project so far, it is clear that members have built good lasting relationships amongst tenants and landlord staff from all regions of Wales. They have also formed friendships with each other and with other tenants who have a wide knowledge of and interest in the housing sector. They have made a real contribution to the Regulatory Framework, have gained a greater understanding of the social housing sector and have found confidence by helping to achieve the delivery outcomes of the Regulatory Board Wales (RBW).
Regulation has given the tenants of Wales a strong voice and a chance to become their own champions, in turn making their landlords sit up and reinvent their positions in tenant partnerships. In doing this, TAP members are sweeping away long-standing prejudice about the quality of tenant involvement and are fast becoming a collection of more professional activists.
‘The challenge for the tenant lies within themselves – the door to succeed has been opened’
James Rides BSc. BA, TAP Member
What have we achieved?
The regular TAP meetings have been attended by the former Deputy Housing Minister Jocelyn Davies AM, Independent Chair of the RBW Hugh Thomas, the Head of Regulation within Welsh Government, Darshan Singh Matharoo and other guests. TAP members have demonstrated their usefulness and value by achieving the following outcomes:
- helping to form the foundations of the Regulatory Framework
- providing additional soft intelligence to the housing association regulatory assessment process
- successfully delivering two projects assigned by the RBW
- achieving co-operation with most registered social landlords
- completion of CIH Level 2 in Housing qualifications
‘The Tenant Advisory Panel has made invaluable contribution to support the work of the Regulatory Board for Wales and the Welsh Government’s Housing Regulation team … I am grateful for the time and effort of Tenant Advisory Panel members and encourage everyone across Wales to support the work of TAP as it is helping us to put the tenants at the heart of regulation and work carried out by housing associations’
Huw Lewis AM, Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage.
Into the future!
With our third project due to start in the new year, we are currently undertaking an analysis of our skills to identify the strengths of the team. We will continue to:
- visit landlords and tenants
- develop new relationships at a national level
- focus on talking and listening to tenants
- undertake our Regulatory Framework assessment
If you are a tenant of a registered social landlord and are interested in becoming a TAP member, please contact Hannah Smith (TAP Administrator) on 01685 723922 or email Our website is