Is the Can Do Toolkit still fit for purpose?
As we collate the ‘4 years on’ report of the Can Do Toolkit, the a question that must be answered is: ‘is the Can Do Toolkit still fit for purpose?’ It was launched in 2008 and has gone from strength to strength over the last 4 years. As a result of the innovation seen across the housing sector through utilising the Can Do Toolkit principles, there have been several advances on the original document. This is brilliant news – but the world has moved on and so must we.
Social landlords estimate that by March 2016, 60% of their homes will be WHQS compliant and by March 2017 that figure will be 79% (1). The remainder are mainly attributed to those local authorities whose tenants have rejected stock transfer. As a result, the majority of WHQS programmes are well underway – so is it right that we solely focus on construction to create added value? My answer would be no.
Anyone that knows me will know I have been pushing community benefits through all contracts since I started at i2i – legal contracts being my particular flavour of choice. What better initiative for your tenants, than to have free drop in sessions with legal professionals on things such as their rights in regards to door step lenders? Make it a core requirement – be specific about the number of staff hours and the locations. Most firms are happy to partner up on these.
Due to the change in the tide i2i is responding by re-convening our targeted recruitment and training network to ensure these initiatives are being captured. The first item on the agenda is the refresh of the Toolkit, to be launched at Tai 2013 (a date for your diaries – March 12-14 2013!!).
The Toolkit will still include the model materials, but will also reflect the wider initiatives that housing providers can use to ensure they are making their investment go as far as possible. Not only through targeted recruitment and training opportunities, but in wider Community Benefits, highlighting the unique position housing providers are in to help their service users and communities in these hard economic times. We are very excited at the prospect of revising this fantastic document! If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Welsh Ministers are urging their departments and external organisations to maximise the benefits of investment across the public sector. A lot has come from the resourcefulness and initiative of the housing sector – having that evidence base is crucial to influence policy makers and budget holders. And we can do more.
Monitoring of community benefits is somewhat hit and miss. We are pleased that the Welsh Government has responded with the Value Wales Community Benefits Measurement Toolkit – a simple excel spread sheet that allows organisations to measure their local multiplier effect on a project basis. You can directly lift the questions to be used as KPIs and … it’s free!
i2i continues to work with Value Wales to shape the Community Benefits policy, and hope to continue to provide hands on support for all housing providers in Wales to make their aspirations a reality. The project has started to receive attention across the border in both England and Northern Ireland. We hope that our counterparts continue to be inspired by the best practice that is being seen within Wales.
‘Guidance has emerged through the i2i Can DO Toolkit… Generalising this approach in the delivery of education and health particularly can secure job and training opportunities in our most disadvantaged communities. These methods go beyond the conventional ‘community benefit clauses’ pursued in procurement practice and the development of such approaches requires innovative and flexible procurement methods and practices which maximises the Welsh benefit of the Welsh Government pound and demonstrates less risk aversion than is the general experience in Wales.’
National Regeneration Panel, September 2011
Last year, we reported that 2,581 job and training opportunities have been created since 2008…we’re positive that the sector has continued to build on this success. With welfare reform, it has never been more important to get better value for your £ – so what are you waiting for?
The vigilant among you will note we have a new website – – please have a look for all of the latest news, blogs, events and publications.
Active response 7- Digital Inclusion
Active response 8 – Welfare reform
Active response 9 – ‘No votes’ – WHQS and the options
Rachel Honey-Jones – i2i Coordinator for South Wales & Powys
Mobile: 07507 351906
Elen Grantham – i2i Coordinator for West & North Wales
Mobile: 07506 562193
Rachel Morton – i2i Coordinator for South East Wales & Valleys
Mobile: 07534 527544
Follow us on twitter: @i2iCymru