One hour is all you need to get online….
During the first week of November 2011, Newport Housing Trust and its tenants got together to help support the national campaign Go ON give an hour. The campaign is about encouraging the UK public to make a pledge to transform someone’s life by showing them all the wonderful things about the internet. Emily Ward from Race Online 2012 also attended a session to find out more about how Newport Housing Trust is supporting the campaign.
Internet taster sessions and coffee mornings were held at the Newport Housing Trust offices at Clarence House. The tenants and staff showed people of the wider community how to get online.
Anyone over the age of 60 was invited to come along and get involved to give an hour or spend an hour with someone to browse the internet, search using Google, shop online and Skype Video calling.
Charlene Meredith, 76 had never used the internet before and was amazed at the different things she could find out about. Charlene used Google Maps and also Skyped one of her neighbours.
Charlene said ‘I think the internet is a fantastic thing. I got to go to Canada and California on the web and see all the different beaches. The session was really good and everyone there was really helpful.’
Newport Housing Trust understands that digital exclusion is a key issue particularly with people over 60. It enables them to understand the way in which using a computer and the internet can change their life. It was a pleasure to get involved and support the campaign and Newport Housing Trust hope to do further sessions in the future.
For any further information please contact the office on 0800 028 5596.