Local social landlord invests £1.75 million to help tackle fuel poverty
Newport Housing Trust is to invest £1.75 million into their communities by installing approximately 160 solar photovoltaic (PV) panels onto their bungalows across Newport.
Tenants who receive these solar PV panels will benefit from free daytime electricity and any unused electricity will be automatically fed into the national grid, reducing carbon production. Newport Housing Trust is currently working with Western Power Distribution to understand any upgrading work that needs to be done to develop cost effective and practicable solutions.
Newport Housing Trust are due to commission a framework contract which will see up to nine suitably qualified and experienced contractors installing the PV panels. Installation is due to commence in late summer and will be completed by spring 2012.
Installing PV Panels to all of Newport Housing Trust’s bungalows is not feasible at this time; however the feed in tariff that Newport Housing Trust will receive will be used to benefit all of the Trust’s tenants and communities over the next few years.
Newport Housing Trust will work with tenants over the coming months to develop a plan to provide energy saving advice to those who haven’t received PV panels at this time, increase understanding about energy efficiency and fuel poverty issues.
Further information
Nathan Gould, Asset Manager, tel 01633 261990.