Newport Housing Trust’s new partnership
Following an extensive consultation with our tenants, Newport Housing Trust took the decision to bring the management of its maintenance service in house.
The Trust and tenant representatives spent several months during the winter to assess and select a suitable partner to work on our behalf. From April 1st this year, we have been working with Monmouthshire Housing Association to design and deliver an improved maintenance service for our tenants under the umbrella of a ‘Be Collaborative’ contract.
Victor Williams and Anne Maisey, tenants of Newport Housing Trust were invited to contribute to the assessment and selection process.
Anne, 65, commented: ‘I felt privileged to be involved in this process and to understand what was going on. I loved meeting new people and it brought back happy memories for me as my husband was in the construction industry. I would definitely like to get more involved in future Trust activities’.
Victor, 80, commented: ‘I was surprised to be asked but was pleased to accept this invite. I was impressed by the high standards of the Trust officers and the contractors. I think the Trust have made an excellent choice’.
Since the interviews, Victor and Anne have also been involved in developing service standards for the Trust and are regular attendees of the contract meeting.
Newport Housing Trust and Monmouthshire Housing Association are both members of the GENuS consortium.